Saturday, July 26, 2008

Do you smell something burning?

Well, it must be Burnt Coat Harbor on Swans Island. The original owner of this island had a long and colorful history that ended with him being hung in Paris (or London) after not paying business debts. Entering the waters near Swan’s island, I passed by a sailboat that had caught a pot warp on its keel. They ended up having to cut the warp to free their boat from the pot. Hockamock Head Light shows the entrance to Burnt Coat Harbor with its unique square lighthouse.

This is a working harbor and it took a little doing finding a clear area to anchor. As usual with Maine harbors, if the water is not full of moorings, it is full of lobster pots. This harbor also had a strange looking floating contraption which I assume was a sort of lobster pound for storing the day’s catch.

Shortly after I anchored, the windjammer “American Eagle” (I wanted to ask if they had any outfitters with them) anchored just off my bow. I was in the process of reading a Maine novel “Rigged for Murder” whose novel thanks the captain of this windjammer for technical information for her book.

For a little comparison, I took a picture of Rincewind and American Eagle together in the harbor.

The big deal here for me was “The Boat Yard” take-out restaurant. I rowed over to their dock and bought two lobsters and fries to take back to Rincewind. While I was waiting for my food, I took a little walk to stretch my legs. If you look carefully, you will see Rincewind off the corner of the restaurant.

Once back on board, I had a great feast!

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