"Eggemoggin Reach” is a sailing route leading from Penobscot Bay to Jericho Bay that puts the sailboat on a course that allows a beam reach (wind at 90 degrees off the bow of the boat) and provides perfect sailing. I headed up to this area after Karen left from Rockland. I spent the night at Bucks Harbor, a classic Penobscot Bay location. Along the way, I saw several classic Windjammers.

I also found out why “Barred Island” is named ... I got a great view of the “bar” connecting the two high parts of the island.
I almost stopped at Pickering Island again because a strong south wind had picked up and it started to get foggy, but as the weather cleared, I decided to continue on to Bucks Harbor. I was disappointed in the ambience at Bucks Harbor, even though it is the location of Sal’s outing with her father in Robert McClosky’s “One Morning in Maine”. It has a fairly rustic feel, but all of the sheltered areas are taken up by moorings. This leaves just a very small, exposed, area for anchoring. As it turns out, the weather was settled over night and there was no problem.

I had a chance to dry the laundry I had done in Rockland – not knowing the dryer was broken before I started washing. 

The sunset cast a beautiful alpenglow over the area.
As almost everywhere in Maine, the water was wonderfully clear in Bucks Harbor. Shown here by the anchor still three feet below the water in this picture.

There was an unusual and gnarly looking fishing boat of some type on a mooring next to where I anchored. 

I had to motor at the start through Eggemoggin Reach. It was so calm that even Twoflower left a lasting wake! 

But by mid-morning, the wind had filled in and I had a great sail. However, I was not on a beam reach. The wind from the SE meant that I was beating (tacking back and forth into the wind) the whole way. The eastern end of the reach was clogged with lobster pot buoys, and a lobsterman offered to sell me lobster from his boat as I sailed by. As I tacked toward Jericho Bay, I passed a small ledge with a grand name: Torrey Castle.

As I entered Jericho Bay, heading toward Swan’s Island, I was treated to a classic view of Isle au Haut showing itself above the sea mist. Next stop: Burnt Coat Harbor!

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